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I find it challenging to write about myself in the 3rd person as so many artists do. It feels like I'm reading about someone other than myself. I’m a simple human being. I love nature, birding, hiking and photography, not necessarily in that order. Add music, reading, film, and writing to that list, but again not necessarily in that order. I live in New England and love to travel, but I love New England the best.


I fell in love with photography in the 50s and 60s reading the Life and Look magazines my Dad subscribed to.  My grandfather had a Kodak Brownie twin lens reflex camera, which was affordable and popular in those days.  He would let me take photos with it.  My Dad bought me instamatic cameras and when I got to high school he bought me an Agfa 35 mm film camera.  I moved on to various other cameras but never took it too seriously.


Not until my late 20s when I took a beginners photography class with a very young teacher, Ron Rosenstock, did it click with me. Ron taught me how to 'see.'  I got busy with raising 3 children for about 15 years.  I then had a renewed interest in photography.  I upgraded my equipment, was a participant in pre-social media photography critique sites where I began to hone my skills.


Several years ago I joined a local camera club, the Springfield Photographic Society where I served as a field trip coordinator and on the board of directors. It's there that I learned even more.  These days, in retirement, I enjoy being able to photograph whenever I want to.  Though the majority of my photographs are birds, I like to photograph anything that I see that I think is worth photographing and I enjoy new challenges.

Copyright:  Rachel Bellenoit, 2024

Designed by: J.D. Netto Creative 

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